It's all about balance!
Hormonal imbalance can happen at any age! We use only
bio-identical hormones such as natural estrogen, progesterone and testosterone to balance your hormones and get you feeling great again!
Bio-identical Hormone Therapy refers to hormones that are structurally and chemically identical to our natural hormones
We focus on restoring your body back to normal. Whether you are in your 20's, 30's, 40's or 50+, we offer the most up to date hormone testing to diagnose your hormonal imbalance and correct the issue.
Hormonal changes and a woman's life can cause many symptoms and interfere with daily living. we are experts in evaluating and treating hormonal changes at any age. After a complete medical evaluation, labs such as blood, saliva or urine hormone tests are done to diagnose a hormonal imbalance or as a follow up to treatment. We use only bio identical hormone therapy such as natural estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. There have been 100's of studies to prove the safety of bioidentical hormone therapy.
Here are a few symptoms that may indicate you are having hormonal changes:
Hot flashes
Night sweats
Weight gain, especially around the waistline
Difficulty sleeping
Anxiety and/or depression
Heart palpitations
Mood swings/irritability
Decreased sex drive
Vaginal dryness
Painful sex
What is required before starting hormone therapy?
We performed a detailed assessment of the patient's medical history, complete a physical exam and order blood, saliva or urine hormone testing.
How do we treat hormonal imbalances?
There are many different options to treat hormonal imbalances. Depending on the lab results and a patient's symptoms, we will present various treatment options to be discussed. The options can be hormonal or non-hormonal therapies. There are various products that can be used to treat hormonal imbalances. Some are available in FDA-approved medications such as pills, patches and gels while others are available with compounding such as creams, gels, pills, troches and pellets. Supplements may be used along with hormonal therapy or as an alternative to therapy. Our goal is to restore hormonal balance in the most natural way possible.
How long can I stay on hormone therapy?
That depends on your medical history and medical needs. Each therapy is tailored to the individual patient.
Is hormone therapy or supplements covered by my insurance?
Let depends on your individual insurance policy. We recommend checking with your insurance and to see what is on your formulary for prescriptions, including compounded medications. Supplements are most likely not covered but may be used with health savings accounts if allowed.
How do we treat hormonal issues?
We treat hormonal imbalances and many different ways. Creams, gels, patches, pills and pellets can be used effectively. We customize each treatment to the individual woman's needs and use the appropriate dose that will treat the symptoms as effectively after reviewing lab results. We can use nonhormonal supplements or medications to alleviate the symptoms as well.
What are hormone pellets?
Hormone pellets are the size of a grain of rice and are gently inserted under the skin, usually in the upper area of the buttock. The insertion is done in the office. Pellets consistently deliver a steady dose of hormones for 3-6 months and is convenient for the patient since they do not have to remember to use them. Results such as improvement in energy, libido, hot flashes, night sweats, weight loss, moods, vaginal dryness, bone health and many others are quickly seen and have lasting results. Before starting hormone therapy, we have an in-depth consultation with you to discuss whether this treatment is right for you.